Tuesday, April 30, 2019

Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities Case Study

Transition to Postsecondary Education for Students with Disabilities - Case Study ExampleThis paper discusses a case study concerning the convert assessment of a post-secondary savant who aspired to enrol in college and sought-after(a) sharp help in facilitating this transition from his public school.Besides preparing disciples for post-secondary education, the purpose of this transition assessment was to understand the expectations of the scholarly person and communicate the appropriate level of preparation and coursework required for them to take up college-level studies. The students family members had not attended college, and as such there were no viable avenues for the student at home for consultation. Thus, the main(a) purpose of the transition assessment was to present college-level studies as a viable and affordable option beyond post-secondary studies. The assessment was also a medium to expand the range of educational streams and options addressable to the student a nd meant to case options beyond those offered by a traditional high-school curriculum (Levinson 52).Opportunities to secure funding in the form of scholarships and student loans were also explored during this assessment by evaluating the current financial status of the student and his family. The assessment also sought to motivate the student towards pursuing further studies especially since the limitations of the current high-school curriculum became apparent during the evaluation. The assessment unflinching that the student was interested in pursuing computer engineering at college and recommended him to pursue technical courses in programming, hardware design and advanced mathematics in order to ensure a smooth transition (Repetto 43). By undertaking such courses, the student would not only strengthen the prospects of his college application but would be in a better position to take up subsequent coursework (Bryant 82).Several student loans available to students through the fed eral government and private banks were discussed and a list of suitable loan providers was given to the student based on an evaluation of his total funding requirements and repayment preferences.

Monday, April 29, 2019

One ought to never do wrong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

One ought to never do wrong - Essay ExampleSocrates argued that if a person does harm unintentionally and is willing to learn, then, he or she can be assisted by dint of education. However, if harm is accused by malice, then punishment should be inevitable.Socrates argues that anyone who acts unjust is a dishonor to himself. Socrates touches on the issue of avenging where he argues that returning evil in retaliation is non meaningful as it does not lead to any gains, rather, it leaves a more humiliated soul (Ahbel-Rappe and Kamtekar 15). This implies that one should be guided by morals of not harming or injuring anyone.Respecting ones beliefs is emphasized by Socrates. He insists that one must do what he or she thinks is right. The right thing must prevail regardless of what people think or desire. In a nutshell, Socrates advices that a morally upright person is not supposed to forsake his principles just because he has been

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Fundamentals of Marketing Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Fundamentals of marketing - Personal Statement ExampleSTEEPLE analysis as an outcome that is covered in the staff brings out market dynamics and marketing environment with consideration of competitors in marketing (Cant, Brink and Brijball, 2006). The development about the dynamics and marketing environment allows of putting up strategies that enables effective competition in marketing despite the changing conditions that occur during the marketing process.Understanding on the wider environment in which marketing of an giving medication is done is important in marketing planning and outline. Factors that are in the operational environment much(prenominal) as government policies and changes in attitudes of consumers are important in marketing as they are necessary in strategies that are made in convincing consumers to use the products (Cant, Brink and Brijball, 2006). The impacts of the policies to marketing of an organization were learned. acquisition was also on marketing en vironment. This was on strategies of different competitors and their effects on the marketing strategy of an organization. The strategy that an organization make for effective marketing competition can be affected by other competitors and flexibility to change the strategies are needed in such

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Assignment Reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Assignment Reflection - Essay ExampleWith much(prenominal) manoeuvres, it is more likely to attract many more customers in the market. However, a stagnant business that rarely makes changes in the management, service delivery and customer care will rarely make positive growth. In counter reactions to such situations, Nestle employs the four pillarsolution. This includes innovations and renovations, operational efficiency, consumer communications and delivery of goods. The case get hold of was practic altogethery knowledgeable as it shed light on the following activities in a business. The eldest approach in case study on Nestle was directed at observing the latest operational excellence and evaluate its effects on the business (Jackson, 200811). The management is concerned about every activities that are in the business and how they are conducted. This will give the people in control education on all(a) the activities of the business and how each of the activities is affecting the business (Hitt, Duane and Hoskisson, 2012 43). For example, the company is not interested in the short term profits that could jeopardise the firms performance in the long head for the hills (Chopra, 200912). This is a serious problem that could jeopardize the performance of the business (Moran, Braaten and Walsh, 201316). Since this is the initial stage, the manager should keenly be the processes of supplying products and time taken before the products are dispatched to the market. In ensuring there is concrete observation of all the activities that are taking place, a manager should conduct a personal observation on all these activities (Rubin and Babbie, 201019). This will give first hand information. In such a manoeuvre, the manager will give way unbiased information on the activities that are taking place in the business (Samii, 200412). In alter the information that is collected, the manager should then embark on collecting information from the line managers. This in cludes horizontal ad vertical line managers in the firm (Paul, 201121). This is by collecting information from the people that work in the stated departments in Nestle. Gathering such information will give concrete information that is reliable. later on the observations, the manager should then try to analyze the situation. This is a situation that is affecting the supply of products and services and mustiness have a negative encounter to the business (Saunders, 200318). First, it is a setback to the businesses since the market will be affected in the long run (Dolley, 2011 20). Secondly, the Nestle firm is to make a positive impact in the market. However, when the short term goals are vitalized, the company will not meet its long term goals. In such a case, the business is at a risk of losing some of its customers. After outline the situation, a manager should look at the causative factors (Marschan-Piekkari and Welch, 201111). This includes focusing on the supply of materials, technological mishaps and enchant preparation. Similarly, the manager has to analyze the number of employees working on the delivery of finished goods. This will be followed by slotting various solutions and changes that could be used to rectify the problem. When the manager in Nestle comes up with various solutions to the problem, it is a preparation to ensure the situation does not affect the business (Wall and Rees, 200432). For example, the manager could come up with options of change magnitude the number of emp

Friday, April 26, 2019

International criminal law (ICC) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

outside(a) iniquitous law (ICC) - Essay ExampleThey used the court, to execute most of the people who were in the Adolf constitution for the atrocities they had caused them during their rule.Furthermore, the world-wide criminal tribunal for Yugoslavia has also been exercising victors justice. There has been minimal number of prosecutions against the Serbs compared to Croats or members of new(prenominal) groups involved in the conflict. A small number of Serbs were persecuted despite the fact that 86 percent of the civil killings were perpetrated by the Serbians or those people that they controlled (Sander, 105).Further, such claims again have been experienced in the Rwandas multinational criminal tribunal. The president of Rwanda refused to provide information that was necessary to prosecute Tutsis who were the most affected during the 1994 genocide. On the other hand, the same tribunals for perpetrating crimes against humanity at that time have prosecuted a number of Hutus. Most recently with the international criminal law, Laurent Gbagbo was arrested by the courts and indicted for crimes against humanity. However, Alasane Ouattra supporters who took the place of Laurent as the president and referred him to The Hague were left free. Thus, it is arguable that most of the international criminal law is most of the time bent to delivering victors

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Head Start Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

orient spark - Essay ExampleThis then would create a question expound flee program for eight states, allowing them to design their own early childhood programs, funded with federal mind contract grants. The state programs would have to meet or exceed national quality standards, solely would not have to follow the detailed federal regulations that apply to local Head Start centers. Democrats called the pilot program nothing more than a block grant, and said it signaled the eventual end of Head Start (http//www.pbs.org/newshour/bb/congress/july-dec03/headstart_07-25.html, 2003).This debate has reached even the most ordinary citizen of most states. There is an ongoing argument whether this Head Start program is really beneficial to underprivileged children. Moreover, there are now series of arguments whether Head Start program of benefiting the younger children should be continually implemented.Head Start program was specifically ceremonious to provide assistance and financial aid to low-income families with infants and toddlers and pregnant women which is called Early Head Start. The Early Head Start program address needs such as physical, social, emotional, and cognitive fuck offment requirements knowledge of bring ups to be bettor caregivers and teachers to their children and need for economic independence. More specifically, this program aims to (http//www.acf.hhs.gov/programs/hsb/programs/ehs/ehs.htm, 2002).Ensure quality by meeting the requirements in the Head Start Program Performance Standards and other applicable regulations add early, individualized child development and parent education services to low-income infants and toddlers and their families according to a plan developed jointly by the parents and staff Provide services through an appropriate mix of home visits, experiences at the Early Head Start center, and experiences in other settings such as family or center-based child care Provide early opportunities for infants and toddlers w ith and without disabilities to grow and develop together in nurturing and inclusive settings Ensure that the Early Head Start program is supportive and nurturing of families suffice to the needs of families, including, where appropriate, the need for full-time child care for working families Connect with other service providers at the local aim to ensure that a comprehensive array of health, nutrition, and other services is provided to the programs pregnant women, very young children, and their families Recruit, train, and supervise high quality staff to ensure the kind of warm and continuous relationships surrounded by caregivers and children that are crucial to learning and development for infants and toddlers Ensure parent involvement in policy and closing making and Coordinate with local Head Start and other child development programs in put in to ensure continuity of services for these children and families. Why do we have to Continue Supporting Head Start ProgramBased o n reports, Head Start has been a tremendous success. From the young children that have been subjected to the program, their level of I.Q. considerably developed, their reading, writing and math skills also improved. Moreover, the

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

The influence and effects of JSR-170 on the Content Management Essay

The influence and effects of JSR-170 on the glut attention Industry - Essay ExampleFor example business departments turning content into assets, that thus becomes a monetary value for the enterprise. The ECM market is rapidly growing. Regan (2005) quotes a Gartner study that estimates the value of ECM computer software at $2.5 billion by end of 2006 while Forrester are predicting 19% growth per annum to reach a value of $4 billion by 2008. The ECM market is predicted to rapidly grow in the following few years and get out in all likelihood outstrip the Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) market (Dschner et al, 2005).The content is presently locked in proprietary repositories or databases that whole allow retrieve with custom APIs. Attempting to have an application that can access information from different repositories is high-priced since the application has to implement all the different combinations of repository APIs. As a consequ ence information that should be integrated remains isolated. This leads to vendor lock-in because the costs of changing a CM-vendor are high.The need for content access hackneyeds is obvious yet the content management industry has struggled to solve this problem. The ECM pure-play and infrastructure vendors are currently pushing their proprietary content repositories, hoping to grab as much market share as mathematical from rivals (McNabb and Moore, 2005). Developing custom applications and services on top of a single vendors proprietary API is an enterprise investment funds risk. Over time it is possible to lose the investment when the vendor goes out of business. That risk can be mitigated (but not entirely eliminated) through open standards, methodologies or documentation. The Java Specification Requests (JSRs) are documents at heart the Java Community Process (JCP) for defining new standards for the Java language. JSR-170, whose final version was released on June 17 2005, is expected to solve the above mentioned problem. It offers a standard, vendor-independent API to access data from a content repository and allows the involve data flexibility that is needed for ECM to support additional business processes or applications. The concept of JSR-170 is explained in one sentence JSR-170 specifies a standard API to access content repositories in Java 2 one by one of implementation(Nscheler, 2005) A proposed standard can only emerge to a standard if it is widely certain and supported by the vendors and requested by clients of content management systems. The obvious problem is that while the standard is new not all vendors will have it implemented. This is akin to solving the proverbial problem of what comes starting line the chicken or the egg. With the standard not implemented the critical mass of customers demanding the implementation of the standard will not be easily achieved. The clients must first be aware of the new

Scholarly paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Scholarly paper - Essay object lessonIn this paper, a close understanding and analysis of the said article shall be handled in an taper of fashioning the process of dealing with hypertension much easier and much effective for many individuals today.Early studies believed that hypertension only occur among the old aged generation. However, the new researches in medicine actually note the mishap of even the young generation to incur hypertension issues as well. Without clear symptoms, it is best advised by healthcare workers today that prevention be a better applied matter of consideration among individuals life style and heath habits as related to the process of improving ones health status towards becoming more ensured of world safe from hypertension attacks.Overstressing from work is certainly a huge matter that greatly contributes to the process of building up matters that result to hypertension. Aside from stress, a persons lifestyle imbalance could also result to unforesee n hypertension. Considerably, a person not having the right balance of work and recreation and is having too much of either of some(prenominal) could have the possibility of developing hypertension symptoms that may not be that easy to identify making early prevention much of a harder process to take into consideration.For this particular matter, nursing aides and other(a) medical staffs

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Trust & equity law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Trust & equity law - Essay Example accord to the court in this cause Charity in its legal sense comprises four principal divisions trusts for the alleviation of poverty, trust for the advancement of education, trusts for the advancement of religion, and trusts for other purposes beneficial to the community, non falling under any of the precedent heads.4 Later on, these four principal divisions mentioned in the case together with some other pabulum were incorporated in the Charities Act of 1992 and 1993. However, the definition given under the law was not clear sufficient so as to clearly elucidate on the issue of which organizations should be considered as charities. The case of McGovern v Attorney General (1982)5 illustrated the difficulties of obtaining sympathetic status. Note that in this case, the Amnesty International seek establish a charitable trust which is geargond towards securing the release of prisoners, abolish the practices of torture and other dehumanizing acts as well as to do some research in the areas of human rights protection and maintenance.6 Unfortunately, in this case, the charitable trust was not recognized by law as effectual not because the goal was not a formal one but rather because the goals set by Amnesty International was not entirely charitable as it also includes some political motives such as the changing of policies in some countries which are in violation of human rights. On the other hand, in the earlier decision on the case of Re South Place Ethical Society (1980)7, the Court considered the charitable trust as valid not on the ground that the South Place Ethical Society seeks the advancement of religion8 but because it can be classified as an educational institution. This decision gives us an idea on how one could go around the provisions of the Charities Act 1993 and take advantage of the benefits accorded to charities.The enactment of the Charities Act 2006 foretell

Monday, April 22, 2019

Caterpillar Restructuring Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Caterpillar Restructuring - Assignment ExampleThe follow is having the revenue of US $ 36.339 Billion in the class 2005 and is currently employing 77000 employees approximately.The company was founded in 1925 as a resultant role of a merger with Holt Manufacturing Co. and it started struggling and open it self because of the lack of competition, they were the pioneers in manufacturing the construction equipments of that time which were also used in the world warfare I and II effectively, the company sooner captured the market by providing products that were useful for construction which was taking couch at its maximum as that era is highly admired for the construction in US, the company unbroken on moving and did manage to have contracts with leading construction companies, the company was running fine in 50s and 60s and 70s due to wars started by the US and also the world wars, but after some period when the dead(prenominal) construction took place, it was assured that the pr oducts were having a fall from growth towards the maturity, thisMedvedev said in 1987, Before the war the most(prenominal) widely used tractor was a wheeled 15-horsepower model with iron wheels without tires(290). The company identified a tot up of problems in their products, and also this brought them to loss, also there were problems faced in the exports of the tools manufactured by the company.Construction equipment manufacture net exports were $7.2 billion at their peak in 1980 and Caterpillar was the worlds dominant manufacturer, exporting almost half(prenominal) of its 1981 U.S. production. This U.S. dominance was sharply eroded by the strength of the dollar in 1982-1984 as net exports dropped steady to $2.2 billion in 1986. Japanese construction equipment manufacturers invaded the U.S. market in this period, pricing 50% below Caterpillar, Komatsu in particular gained 18% of the U.S. market and was able to establish a significant dealer network (Wigmore, 143/44 1997). This is showing how well the competition was growing and Caterpillar failed to identify the problem prevailing in 80s, the sales was only 15% from Caterpillar and 85% from Komatsu, and also the problems appeared in the companys operations as a result of the stock problem.Caterpillars stock dropped from a high of $73 in 1981 to a low of $30 in 1984. Capital expenditures were cut from $836 million to $229 million, and capital expenditures net of depreciation were negative from 1983 on. Plants were closed in wise man (Ohio), San Landro (California), Burlington and Davenport (Iowa), Milwaukee (Wisconsin), Dallas (Oregon), Newcastle (England), and Glasgow (Scotland). Employees dropped from 89,300 in 1979 to 54,000 in 1987. Costs were cut 22% through salary reductions, layoffs and early retirements, plant consolidations, and manufacturing efficiencies. gravid price pressure was put on suppliers, worldwide sourcing was instituted, and 25% of production was moved abroad(Wigmore, 172 1997).The company was desperately looking to bring back its

Sunday, April 21, 2019

AIRPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

AIRPORT PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT - canvass ExampleAccording to London City Airport (2006 10), LCA moderate conception shows that the airport is in a position of accommodating 8 million passengers up to 2030. This is anticipated to occur in line with continue support of London growth, and meeting the increment in the demand for business travel. Moreover, the LCA reduce Plan illustrates that the airport focuses on mentioning good neighbourhood with local citizens and environmental record. In addition, the plan illustrates that the airport will economize its operational hours of closing at night during weekdays, and operating 24 hours during weekends (London City Airport 2006 10). Further, the Master Plan claims that the airport will neither create another runway nor will it host larger aeroplanes. As such, the airport focuses on achieving its growth through maximization of its runway, creation of better facilities, and improving flight tenancy for passengers. Finally, LCA Maste r Plan indicates that passenger growth will increase during the Olympic Games and employment opportunities will be created through the implementation of the Master Plan (London City Airport 2006 10).The purpose of LCA Master Plan is to indicate the growth potential of the airport up to 2030 (London City Airport 2006 10). The Master Plan was prepared in response to 2003 government requirement on White Paper that all UK airports have to develop Master Plans, which indicate growth in response to passenger demand. As such, LCA Master Plan indicates how to optimize on the current runways without a need of constructing new runways. In addition, LCA Master Plan reflects White Paper principles, as well as how the airport intends to make objectives outlined in the Master Plan a reality. LCA Master Plan illustrates how the airport intends to have a growth of 8 million passengers by 2030, minimize noise, and maintain environmental sustainability (London

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Editing my answer papres Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Editing my answer papres - Essay ExampleThe warehouse was burgled and the company suffered a qualifying of $30,000. The insurance company claimed that the insurance policy did not cover burglary and therefore refused to pay.Duty of care was breached when Daniel failed to take aim the content of the insurance policy. When Quality Sofa expected to collect insurance it was faced the losses of 30,000 $ which stirred its financial state, because he did not carefully check the statement and should be held liable for it. If Daniel is unaware of constitution of insurance policies, because he is an accountant, it is no excuse to just sign the policy. He should bring spent magazine and even requested legal advice if necessary not to be held liable in this particular case.As for his liability in trading of homage, he is liable for getting personal benefit by go a client of Quality Sofa Bed a discount that not the companys interest, but rather his own interest. If the client had approach ed Daniel as an individual, then he would not be held liable.Although Daniel should have disclosed that the warehouse that Quality Sofa and Bed purchased was his, he saved for Sofa and Bed 5,000 $ because the charming value was valued +5,000 $. In the specific incident he kept his self-interest aside and contrive the companys benefit on the first place.Although Daniel did not technically breech his duty of loyalty in the warehouse incident, he definitely breeched his duty of care with the insurance contract and his duty of loyalty with the personal gain he benefited from. There were two violations of duties. I think that although he exchange his warehouse for less than fair value and since he insisted on the directors to purchase his warehouse, he should have at least disclosed that he owned the warehouse or even restrained from voting. Since he already breached one duty of care and one duty of loyalty he cant be considered a reliable director.Corporate governance has failed mise rably to alert of send signals to everyone that

Friday, April 19, 2019

Taking into account current theories and research on organizational Essay

Taking into account current theories and explore on organisational goal and climate, critically appraise the image of organizational culture on the management of occupational safety and health - turn out ExampleAs these different humans could only attain a different working culture, the mastery rate will be minimal. And, if a common working culture, if correctly said, the perfect, feasible and winnable working culture is operationalised, through out the organization, the organization will be a success score. And, the script for this success story can only be scripted, by an effective leader. That is, leaders can only actualize an organizational culture and with it other associated culture or practices like quality culture, culture of time management, disciplined plate culture and importantly safety culture. Safety culture in the sense, the organization and its leader as partly of the organizational culture should incorporate occupational safety and health. So, this paper ta king into account current theories and research on organizational culture and leaders role in it will critically appraise the role of organizational culture on the management of occupational safety and health.One of the important first tasks of a leader in an organization is the creation of a Culture. That is, the task of the leader is to create a working culture, embed the working culture in the working group and environment, sustain it and also rectify it, when faults occur. harmonise to Edgar Schein (2004, p.17),The culture of a group can now be defined as a physical body of shared basic assumptions that was learned by a group as it solved its problems of external alteration and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and encounter in relation to those problems.So, apart from policy formulation and decision-making, it becomes all more important to look at the other side of the leader, in culture creation. The leader, who as a founder of an organization need to create a culture, then as a managing director or CEO of an

Thursday, April 18, 2019

History class Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

History class - Essay ExampleIn the coast of Long Island, the U.S. Coast resistance saw the wrecked vessel and assaulted it and the mutineers, counting Cinque and some who had paddled ashore in search of water.If Steven Spielberg and his colleagues from DreamWorks certified their claims regarding the bourgeon Amistad to historical precision in the wide-ranging manner only, they could have encouraged a more(prenominal) openhanded reaction from knowledgeable historians. The movie was unsatisfactory in high cinematic art, yet the producers, as innovative creators, have the privilege to assume history and remold it into their desired story bound drama. However, Spielberg and the provide of Dream Works, prior to the December premiere of Amistad, declared their movie to be form of advanced history. They circulated attainment brochures for classroom activities in which the film would function, as a motivator of higher critical thinking regarding the impressiveness of history in the p erspective of the long-disappeared chapter revived to American past in the movie. For instance, students became aware that the producers exerted immense deal to make every feature of this historical tragedy genuine and that both historical tragedy and historical research aspire to depict the reality regarding the past.Most probably, the most interesting scene in the film portrays the slave trade. At the opening of the movie, Cinque, covered with grime and sweating profusely, murky hold of the Amistad uses fingered caked with line of credit to disentangle himself from his chains. He and his freethinking companions wreaked a box full of sugarcane knives, and then stormed their path to victory. In a violent fight with the captain, Cinque bursts into a primitive fury that permits him to overpower the captain by stabbing him in the chest with his own sword. The camera focused for a long time on a victorious

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Auditing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 6

Auditing - canvass ExampleIt has been noticed that frauds colligate to theft of inventory consecrate a direct impact on the income statement of the company. Loss due to theft is directly proportion to decrease in profit (Week, 4 2012). There are following ways Mr. Franklin can reduce the probability of bump through theft. bother Control is like security mea sure as shootings these measures are taken so we can prohibit any resistant of unauthorized entry in few restricted area (Audit Risk Assessment, Page 31), by this risk of theft of any asset can be reduced to a minimal level if the gateway is restricted to a minimal level then there is less probability of any miscellanea of fraud or misrepresentation e.g. If there is only one person who is managing all cash related affairs and he is the only authorized person who have access to cash so, in such(prenominal)(prenominal) a scenario, the probability of theft will be low.It is necessary to count the assets periodically and then par it with our records (Audit Risk Assessment, Page 381). It is quite essential to safeguard our assets from theft. It can provide you detail if there is some sort of difference between counted assets and recorded assets then we need an explanation. For that reason, first of all we need to experience the concept of materiality and we have to understand which category of goods is valuable to us (Week, 5 2012).It is a concept in which we use more than one person to complete a task it means that we have to include different personal to execute a single transaction (Audit Risk Assessment, Page 380) so work of one individual is being cross checked by another individual. In such setup, there is a possibility that the risk of theft will reduce. But we have to make sure that no one is performing any duty which is mismatched. It is quite a good way for an native control.The other risk the hospitality industry was exposed to a risk of fiddles or

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

IQ and Birth order Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

IQ and produce order - Essay ExampleInuence of birth order on the character traits unmarriedsThe personality of individuals is affect by among other things their birth order in their families. Conducting a study among 361 siblings from diverse family backgrounds (Melissa.M. 2007) found bring out that birth order has an influence in the personality traits of an individual in a family. Writing a report on their study findings they concluded that age as a signicant effect on extraversion with younger siblings being more extraverted than the older ones. nigh related to this assertion, are the findings of Ernst and Angst (1983), composition on younger siblings being more extraverted in terms of sociability compared to older siblings. On his part (Sulloway, 1996), alludes that if siblings are to employ their character so as to seek favors from their parents, then parental investment, is change magnitude in extraversion in the younger kids in the family. This in turn leads to compet ition for attention by the siblings, thus causing siblings rivalry. This amplified extraversion amongst the young siblings protects them from their older siblings hence they are able to assert themselves with such(prenominal) ease. Ahmed M. Al-Khalek and, Richard Lynn (2007) from the University of Kuwait also conducted a study on Intelligence, family size and birth order on about(predicate) 4643 individuals and also mentioned a correlation between I.Q and the birth order of an individual in their families. Discussing the findings of the study, they realized that children in larger families were more likely to suffer start out IQs than those from smaller families. However, this finding is in conflict with Zajoncs con?uence theory and Blakes dilution theory that expects the relationship between family size and intelligence to apply uniformly across all human societies. In addition to this, there was no prove found to weather the earlier findings from United States and Europe,that birth order affects the IQ levels of children, where older siblings tend to have higher IQs than the younger ones. It did confirm that there was a positive association between birth order for ages that are under eleven years. Ahmed M. Al-Khalek and, Richard Lynn (2007) also found out there is really minimal effect on an individuals intelligence and the attention they receive from their parents as whether younger or older than their siblings. Results indicated a very high probability of relationship between family size and intelligence as most intelligent couples had a smaller number of children (Lynn, 1996). Its also probable that older siblings tend to have relatively lower IQs than their younger siblings, a fact that could be attributed to the age of the parents that could also have an effect on their kids. Closely related to this, is the fact that elder mothers are at higher risk of giving birth to babies that have less weight. This condition is often associated with lower int elligent levels. This confirms an earlier assertion by Aliya, Jolly, Ehiri, and Salihu (2005)who confirmed a relationship between later births and the consequent outcomes associated with the

Brief History of Computer Essay Example for Free

Brief History of Computer Essay? beginning(a)born programmable reckoner The Z1 originally created by Germanys Konrad Zuse in his parents living room in 1936 to 1938 is demanded to be the first galvanising binary programmable computer. The first digital computer Short for Atanasoff-Berry Computer, the ABC started being developed by professor John Vincent Atanasoff and graduate student Cliff Berry in 1937 and continued to be developed until 1942 at the Iowa State College (now Iowa State University). On October 19, 1973, US Federal Judge Earl R.Larson signed his decision that the ENIAC patent by Eckert and Mauchly was invalid and named Atanasoff the inventor of the electronic digital computer. The ENIAC was invented by J. Presper Eckert and John Mauchly at the University of Pennsylvania and began construction in 1943 and was not completed until 1946. It occupied about 1,800 square feet and used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, weighing to the highest degree 50 tons. Although the Ju dge ruled that the ABC computer was the first digital computer many pipe down consider the ENIAC to be the first digital computer.Because of the Judge ruling and because the case was never appealed like approximately we consider the ABC to be the first digital computer. However, because the ABC was never fully functional we consider the first functional digital computer to be the ENIAC. The first stored program computer The early British computer known as the EDSAC is considered to be the first stored program electronic computer. The computer performed its first deliberation on May 6, 1949 and was the computer that ran the first graphical computer game.The first personal computer In 1975 Ed Roberts coined the term personal computer when he introduced the Altair 8800. Although the first personal computer is considered to be the Kenback-1, which was first introduced for $750 in 1971. The computer relied on a series of switches for inputting data and output data by bend on and off a series of lights. The Micral is considered to be the first commercial non-assembly computer. The computer used the Intel 8008 processor and sold for $1,750 in 1973. The first workstationAlthough never sold the first workstation is considered to be the Xerox Alto, introduced in 1974. The computer was revolutionary for its time and included a fully functional computer, display, and mouse. The computer operated like many computers straightaway utilizing windows, menus and icons as an interface to its operating system. The first laptop or man-portable computer The first portable computer or laptop is considered to be the Osborne I, a portable computer developed by turn Osborne that weighed 24 pounds, a 5-inch display, 64 KB of memory, two 5 1/4 floppy drives, and a modem.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Use of Technology Essay Example for Free

Use of Technology EssayThe information age presents many ch onlyenges for those in education and government activity where there is the need for the whole population to be able to access and use new technologies. This willing include use of computers, the internet and digital television which is key in determining and establishing a proficient workforce and empowered citizenry for the twenty first century the possibility and potential of these new technologies to take on people to learn throughout the life-course is also seen as a ready means of establishing developed countries as a schooling society. Governments around the world pass come out and set targets and development policies to avail all adult technologies information communication engineering- in making these users friendly in their own environments, (Selwyn, Gorard, Furlong, 2006). contempt the sums of money being invested in ICT and education, there is the need for establishing how close the society is in es tablishing applied science found reading societies and the challenges that might be faced along the way. There is also the need to recognize the predict and potential of new technologies, mapping how ICT and ICT-based education fit with the everyday lives of each individual as salubrious as the ability of research in the community. In this time and age, many of us already have a hand held mobile device, a hand held computing device of some description as well as some form of Internet access in the homes or at the office.As well, the enthusiasts of the power of technology see the need to support and shape our everyday activities proliferate via newspapers, textbooks and television screens. only these atomic number 18 learning avenues and as well these have increased to e-commerce, e-tailing, cybersex, blogging, networked computerized technologies in the nineteenth century variation inspired by grand notions of world(a)ization and post modernity, some scholars have taken to p ortraying adults in the early twenty-first century as living in a plentiful post-physical age where all that is solid melts into bitsThe importance of learning in information societyThe prominence of education and learning within the post-industrial, information society analysis was in no small part responsible for the high compose reassessment of education and training by educators and politicians in developing countries over the latter half of the 1990s. In countries suchas the UK, this was infamously embodied in New Labors 1977 election commitment to undertake on education. The information society and knowledge economy agenda were particularly evident in the revoke of political favor during the 1990s of the broad concept of lifelong learning, a notion embracing not only the compulsory phases of education but also education throughout adult life.This lifelong learning involves to a greater extent than a narrow technical adjustment to the organization of educational supplying it is an attempted switch in learning opportunities in order to meet the implicit demands of the information society/knowledge economy. If it is authoritative that the production and distribution of knowledge and information are increasingly significant processes in the determination of global economic competitiveness and development, which are reflected in turn, in economic growth, employment change and levels of welfare, then the capacities of organizations and individuals to study successfully in the learning process of a variety of kinds is an obvious determinant of economic performance.Policies and example of ICT in schoolsFor an effective learning environment in schools that incorporate ICT, the use of computers need to have polity frameworks to specify their use and how effective they will be in their use as this will unwrap a general guideline in use as well as maintenance. In southeastern Africa, the proportion of principles indicating the existence of written polici es for both the lower and upper education levels were virtually the same, but speech pattern was quite different. In almost all the schools too, there was a joint vision on ICT as a policy goal that pay attention to norms and values when using services such as the internet a survey in south Africa revealed that such visions were fully or partially agnise both at the upper and the lower levels as other principals reported that developing a common vision was realized as a goal, (Howie, Muller, Paterson, 2005)On the other hand, at the upper level involving shape up learning, it is certainly not hard to detect enthusiasms for ICT based technologies within the educational literature, reflecting the proliferation of new technologies such as the computer and internet in adult changing settings. In essence and principle, ICTs are argued to make learning more effective and more equitable, to offer a versatile range oflearning opportunities to a diverse range of adult learners on a suit able, convenient and cost effective basis as technology has been heralded by some to facilitate learning which is eclectic, holistic and flexible. In short, this is to say that ICTs are depicted as making the wider goals of the knowledge economy and information society, (Howie, Muller, Paterson, 2005)ConclusionAccording to Law, Yuen Fox, (2011), sustaining or transformative uses of technology do not depend on technology alone, they also depend on the intended use of the technology in the specific educational contexts, often, and specific technologies priorities certain uses and hence can be used more easily for sustaining or transformative purposes. Such prioritization is not deterministic as further, the characteristic that mist influences the choice and deployment of ICT in school education is the pedagogical decision-making of the teacher. This in turn is determined by the curriculum goals and training as well as pedagogical competencies of the teacher, (Law, 2008) Transformat ive use of technology in schools and education as discussed above are those that are integral to the implementation of innovative pedagogical practices.This involves the changing roles of the teachers, learners and members of the community, and the power relationships among these three groups. The way learning outcomes are assessed and staff performance is appraised also changes, thus challenging the predominant value and reward agreement inherent in the education system today. In particular, the integration of ICT in learning can be an effective tool in widening education participation, supporting a diversity of educational provision as well as lead to better form and outcomes of adult learning. ?Work CitedHowie, S. J., Muller, A., Paterson, A. (2005). Information and conference Technologies in. Howie, S. J., Muller, A., Paterson, A. (2005). Information and Communication Technologies in (n.d.) 1-9. Web. Sept.-Oct. 2014. This journal discusses the benefits of using technology in education, as well as the challenges it has created. The writers thoroughly researched paper convinces its readers of the vastness of the technological world. South Africa Reforming Higher Education and Transforming the content System of Innovation. Academia.edu. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Oct. 2014. This article is written to inform its readers about, the transformation of education with rapid inventions of newer technologies. Nurturing Leadership and Establishing Learning Organizations. educational Innovations Beyond Technology. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2014.Selwyn, N., Gorard, S., Furlong, J. (2006). This research discuses the methods and technological innovations used in learning. Adult Learning in the Digital mount up Information Technology and the Learning Society. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct.-Nov. 2014. This research discusses the use of technology in education, as well as its impact on education.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Time Management Essay Example for Free

Time Management EssayThis compensate has been prepared with the purpose of analysing and evaluating my flow landmark usage, in order to assess my m anxiety skills. Time Management involves setting priorities and undertaking goal vigilance in order to as efficient and productive as possible. The aim of this report is to evaluate my current cadence worry skills and isolate areas in which I need to advance and overly to establish what theories and methods I must utilize in order to ensure that my condemnation is well managed. The objective of this report is to aright analyse my findings in order to make accurate conclusions and in turn determine recommendations as to how I can adopt better clock meter centering skills in order to achieve my goals and objectives. Prior to preparing this report, I was required to invest my life goals and objectives on a short and long term basis in different areas of my life. These being study, family, personal, work, social, resid ential area service, home duties and sleep. I was so required to prioritise my goals and objectives, estimate how I was handing my m and record a detai take sequence log over a unmatched week period.The most accurate method when recording time usage data was immediate documentation. I also used my current organisational tools as a resource to remind me how I had recently dog-tired my time and what I could expect from the coming week making estimations. subsequently comparing my estimated and veridical time usage figures (Refer to auxiliary 5), it became apparent that there was little difference in the midst of the two sets of figures. Although my results indicated that my estimates were more or less accurate, they give that I am consistently spending my time in ship canal that are by chance non holy person.In order to narrow the gap between my real time usage and holy person time usage I will need to spend more time studying, and less time socialisation and perfo rming home duties. In particular, study is a high priority for me and I must thusly make sure I undertake goal management and establish it as one of my priorities. 1 way I can close the gap, is by utilizing my current exchange time to perform my hebdomadally readings for university. I can also use the principles behind the Haynes theory on prime time and ? The batch Jar Theory in order to ensure I am using my time productively. and then will I be able to realistically work towards my long term goals and objectives. insane asylum This report has been prepared with the purpose of analyzing and evaluating my current time usage, in order to assess my time management skills. Time Management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use. (Wikipedia 2007, para. 1). Time Management involves setting priorities and undertaking goal management in order to as efficient and productive as possible.Time Management is an essential cistron to success, as it discourages time wasting activities and procrastination which hinders productivity. Understanding the importance of Time Management enables individuals to take active agent steps towards better managing their time and governing the eventual outcome. (Mind Tools 2007, para. 2). Aims and objectives The aim of this report is to evaluate my current time management skills and isolate areas in which I need to improve. The purpose of this report is also to establish what theories and methods I must utilize in order to ensure that my time is well managed.As well as being an assessed task, this report is necessary in order to properly evaluate my current time usage. one time this evaluation has been made, decisions on strategies can be made in order to enable me to be more time efficient in the future. I am currently trying to divide my time between a number of different activities and areas of my life, h owever up until now I go for never stop to evaluate my efficiency. The objective of this report is to properly analyse my findings in order to make accurate conclusions.From these conclusions I will be able to determine recommendations as to how I can adopt better time management skills in order to achieve my long term goals and objectives. Scope This Time Management report has been written in keeping with Mohans recommended structure of a formal report (Mohan et al 2004, p348). It encompasses a summary, foot to time management, aims and objectives, the method of research, results, discussion and analysis, conclusion and recommendations. Although this report gives mention to a number of established time management theories, it does not go into any extensive detail.These boundaries have been set out by the lecturer in charge of assessing this report in order to keep its contents relatively brief. Although this report is order to Roslyn Hunter and Julie McLaren, I am the person wh o will be affected by its findings and who will have to take into consideration the proposed recommendations. Body of Report Method of Research Prior to preparing this report, I was required to identify my life goals and objectives on a short and long term basis. The time frames I worked with for the purpose of this exert were ?3 years (Refer to Appendix 2) and ? Semester 1 (Refer to Appendix 3) respectively. These goals and objectives were established, based on different areas of my life. These being study, family, personal, work, social, community service, home duties and sleep. I was then required to prioritise my goals and objectives according to what is most importance to me. After these were documented, I was then required to estimate how I was spending my time. Estimates were made as to the number of hours I pass in the different areas of my life (Refer to Appendix 1).After these estimates were made, I was then required to record a detailed time log over a one week period ( Refer to Appendix 4). During this time, I took my log wherever I went and recorded my time usage in half an hour intervals. This perform enabled me to compare my actual time usage with my estimated time usage. The most accurate method when recording time usage data was immediate documentation. Ensuring that I had my time log on me at all clock meant that I could fill in my time log frequently and consistently.If I were to have relied on my memory, I am certain that this alternate method would have resulted in inaccurate data being recorded. When estimating my time usage I took into consideration my current study load, commitments, quiescence patterns and general level of up keep. I also used my current organisational tools as a resource to remind me how I had recently washed-out my time and what I could expect from the coming week. Being an avid user of ? to do lists, diaries and planning calendars (Refer to Appendix 7), I had on hand a propagate of resources to serve up me in estimating my time usage.This method led me to make relatively accurate estimates on my actual time usage. Results After comparing my estimated and actual time usage figures (Refer to Appendix 5), it became apparent that there was little difference between the two sets of figures. (Refer to Appendix 6). After estimating that I would spend 35 hours studying, my actual time dog-tired was 34. 5 hours. I thought I would spend 7 hours with my family however my actual time spent was 10. 5 hours due to a family birthday. The actual amount of time I spent on ?personal activities ended up falling 2 hours of short of my estimated figure. I actually spent 17 hours in this area as opposed to 19 hours.As I assumed, I did not spend any time on ? work think activities. My actual number of hours spent interact fell 3 hours short of my estimated figure. I actually spent 12 hours in this area as opposed to 15 hours. I estimated that I would spent 2 hours doing community service with the Red Cross , however I actually did not find the time during this 7 day period to perform community service.The hours spent performing ? home duties equaled a total of 28. 5 hours, which exceeded the estimated figure of 25 hours. In addition the actual amount of time I spent sleeping was 65. 5 hours, which was only slightly greater than my estimated figure of 65 hours. Discussion and Analysis My ability to accurately estimate my time usage can be attributed to the fact that I consistently document my occasional movements, which has been useful when making estimates in this activity.Choosing not to undertake paid employment this semester has also meant that I am splitting my time across fewer areas, making it easier to predict how I will spend my time. Although my results indicated that my estimates were fairly accurate, they show that I am consistently spending my time in ways that are perhaps not ideal. My ideal amount of time (Refer to Appendix 6) spent studying is in fact 40 hours, whereas I am only currently achieving on average 35 hours. I estimated that I would spend 15 hours socialising based on my weekly patterns prior to the 7 day period I documented.Spending only 12 hours on this activity meant that I was closer to achieving my ideal time tolerance than usual. Although socialising is an enjoyable activity, it is affecting my ability to achieve my desired amount of study hours. Ideally, I would also like to cut down on my hours devoted to ? home duties, which happened to exceed both my estimated and ideal time allowance. Realistically, while I am still living in the suburbs, it is unlikely that I will be able to spend 23 hours performing ? home duties as I incur a lot of commuting time living in Glen Waverley.Conclusions Performing this time management exercise has identified that my ideal time usage and actual time usage are not on par. I step forward to be familiar with my time usage as my estimated time allowances and actual time allowances were very like however I am not spending my time in way that I ideal to achieving my goals and objectives. In order to narrow the gap between my actual time usage and ideal time usage I will need to spend more time studying, and less time socialising and performing home duties.I have identified that study is of ?high priority when I chose to dispense it an A (Refer to Appendix 3) and must therefore make sure I undertake goal management and establish it as one of my priorities. Once I narrow the gap and start achieving my short term objectives and goals, I can work towards my long term objectives and goals. Without achieving my ideal time allowance I am in no position to work Recommendations In order to close the gap between my actual time usage and ideal time usage I will need to consider ways in which I can prioritise and manage my goals.Haynes suggests establishing when a persons prime time for working is and then planning for the most primary(prenominal) and demanding tasks to be done duringt his time (Haynes, M 2001). This theory promotes efficiency and could assist me in making my study time more productive. I could also consider utilizing my current commuting time to do my university readings. This would mean I have more time to study and in turn, fewer hours would be written off to home duties. The Pickle Jar Theory uses the analogy of an empty location jar to think about how we use the fixed amount of time available to us for each one day.This theory could also be used when I plan my schedule and assist me to get important work done while still leaving time for socialising. (Mind Tools 2007, para. 2). I will continue to richly utilize my diary, to do lists and planning calendar (Refer to Appendix 7) as they have helped me successfully plan my time in the past. My next step now is put my recommendations into action in order to close the gap, improve my time management skills and achieve my short term goals and objectives. Only then will I be able to realistically work towards my long term goals and objectives.

Friday, April 12, 2019

Chinese philosophy Essay Example for Free

Chinese philosophy EssayTaiji (literally with child(p) end) is a Chinese cosmological term for the imperious Ultimate state of undifferentiated absolute and sempiternal potentiality, contrasted with the Wuji ( , Without Ultimate). The term Taiji and its different spelling Tai chi (using Wade-Giles as opposed to Pinyin) argon most commonly used in the West to refer to Taijiquan (or Tai chi chuan, ), an internal militant art, Chinese guess system and health practice. This article, however, refers only to the use of the term in Chinese philosophy and Daoist spirituality. Contents hide 1 The word 2 Taiji in Chinese texts 2. 1 Zhuangzi 2. 2 Huainanzi 2. 3 Yijing 2. 4 Taijitu shuo 3 sum of money concept 4 See also 5 References editThe word Chinese Taiji is a compound of tai ? great grand supreme extreme very too (a superlative variant of da ? sizable large great very) and ji ? pole roof ridge eminentest/utmost point extreme earths pole reach the end attain exhaust.In anal ogy with the figurative meanings of English pole, Chinese ji ? ridge atmosphere can mean geographical pole direction (e. g. , siji four corners of the earth worlds end), magnetic pole (Beiji northwestern Pole or yinji negative pole anode), or celestial pole (baji farthest points of the universe remotest place). parking ara English translations of the cosmological Taiji ar the autocratic Ultimate (Le Blanc 1985, Zhang and Ryden 2002) or Great Ultimate (Chen 1989, Robinet 2008) tho other versions are the Supreme Pole (Needham and Ronan 1978), Great Absolute, or Supreme Polarity (Adler 1999). editTaiji in Chinese texts Taiji references are found in Chinese classic texts associated with manyschools of Chinese philosophy. Zhang and Ryden explain the ontological necessity of Taiji. whatsoever philosophy that asserts two elements such as the yin-yang of Chinese philosophy will also look for a term to reconcile the two, to ensure that both belong to the same sphere of discourse. T he term supreme supreme performs this role in the philosophy of the Book of Changes.In the Song dynasty it became a metaphysical term on a par with the Way. (2002179) editZhuangzi The Daoist classic Zhuangzi introduced the Taiji concept. One of the (ca.3rd cytosine BCE) Inner Chapters contrasts Taiji great eventual(prenominal) (tr. zenith) and Liuji half dozen ultimates six cardinal directions (tr. nadir). The Way has attributes and evidence, but it has no action and no form. It may be transmitted but cannot be received. It may be apprehended but cannot be seen.From the root, from the stock, before there was heaven or earth, for all eternity truly has it existed. It inspirits demons and gods, gives birth to heaven and earth. It lies above the zenith but is not high it lies to a lower place the nadir but is not deep.It is prior to heaven and earth, but is not ancient it is senior to high antiquity, but it is not old. (tr. Mair 199455) editHuainanzi The (2nd century BCE) Huaina nzi mentions Taiji in a context of a Daoist Zhenren true person perfect person who perceives from a Supreme Ultimate that transcends categories like yin and yang. The fu-sui (burning mirror) amasss fire energy from the sun the fang-chu (moon mirror) gathers dew from the moon. What are contained between Heaven and Earth, even an expert calculator cannot compute their number.Thus, though the hand can handle and visit extremely small things, it cannot lay hold of the brightness of the sun and moon. Were it within the grasp of ones hand (within ones power) to gather things within one category from the Supreme Ultimate (tai-chi ) above, one could immediately produce both fire and water. This is because Yin and Yang consider a common chi and move each other. (tr. Le Blanc 1985120-1) editYijing Taiji also appears in the Xici Appended Judgments commentary to the Yijing, a late section traditionally attributed to Confucius but more likely dating to about the 3rd century B.C. E. 1There fore there is in the Changes the Great Primal Beginning. This translates the two primary forces. The two primary forces generate the four images. The four images generate the eight trigrams. The eight trigrams determine good dowery and misfortune. Good fortune and misfortune create the great field of action. (tr. Wilhelm and Baynes 1967318-9) This two-squared generative sequence includes Taiji, Liangyi Two Polarities Yin and Yang, Sixiang Four Symbols (Chinese constellation), and Bagua Ba gua. Richard Wilhelm and Cary F. Baynes explain.The fundamental frequency postulate is the great primal beginning of all that exists, tai chi in its original meaning, the ridgepole. later(prenominal) Indian philosophers devoted much thought to this paper of a primal beginning. A still anterior beginning, wu chi, was represented by the symbol of a roofy. Under this conception, tai chi was represented by the circle divided into the light and the dark, yang and yin, . This symbol has also pl ayed a significant part in India and Europe. However, speculations of a Gnostic-dualistic character are foreign to the original thought of the I Ching what it posits is simply the ridgepole, the track.With this line, which in itself represents oneness, duality comes into the world, for the line at the same time posits an above and a below, a right and left, front and back in a word, the world of the opposites. (1967lv) editTaijitu shuo Zhous Taijitu diagram The Song Dynasty philosopher Zhou Dunyi (1017-1073 CE) wrote the Taijitu shuo Explanation of the Diagram of the Supreme Ultimate, which became the cornerstone of Neo-Confucianist cosmology. His abbreviated text synthesized aspects of Chinese Buddhism and Daoism with metaphysical discussions in the Yijing.Zhous key terms Wuji and Taiji appear in the opening line , which Adler notes could also be translated The Supreme Polarity that is Non-Polar . Non-polar (wuji) and yet Supreme Polarity (taiji) The Supreme Polarity in activi ty generates yang yet at the delineate of activity it is still. In stillness it generates yin yet at the limit of stillness it is also active. Activity and stillness alternate each is the basis of the other. In distinguishing yin and yang, the Two Modes are thereby established. The alternation and combination of yang and yin generate water, fire, wood, metal, and earth.With these five phases of qi harmoniously arranged, the Four Seasons proceed through them. The five-spot Phases are simply yin and yang yin and yang are simply the Supreme Polarity the Supreme Polarity is fundamentally Non-polar. Yet in the generation of the Five Phases, each one has its nature. (tr. Adler 1999673-4) Instead of usual Taiji translations Supreme Ultimate or Supreme Pole, Adler uses Supreme Polarity (see Robinet 1990) because Zhu Xi describes it as the alternating principle of yin and yang, and insists that taiji is not a thing (hence Supreme Pole will not do).Thus, for both Zhou and Zhu, taiji is the yin-yang principle of bipolarity, which is the most fundamental ordering principle, the cosmic first principle. Wuji as non-polar follows from this. editCore concept Taiji is understood to be the highest conceivable principle, that from which existence flows. This is very similar to the Daoist idea reversal is the movement of the Dao. The supreme ultimate creates yang and yin movement generates yang when its activity reaches its limit, it becomes tranquil.Through tranquility the supreme ultimate generates yin. When tranquility has reached its limit, there is a return to movement. Movement and tranquility, in alternation, become each the source of the other. The bill between the yin and yang is determined and the two forms (that is, the yin and yang) stand revealed. By the transformations of the yang and the union of the yin, the 5 elements (Qi) of water, fire, wood, metal and earth are produced. These 5 Qi become diffused, which creates harmony.Once there is harmony the 4 seasons can occur. Yin and yang produced all things, and these in their turn produce and reproduce, this makes these processes never ending. (Wu, 1986) Taiji underlies the practical Taijiquan (Tai Chi Chuan) A Chinese internal martial art based on the principles of Yin and Yang and Taoist philosophy, and devoted to internal energetic and physical training. Taijiquan is represented by five family styles Chen, Sun, Yang, Wu(Hao), and Wu (NQA Meeting).

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Police Diversity Essay Example for Free

Police Diversity EssayRacial secernment is an issue that so numerous professionals know about. Dealing with it may be the problem, but attempts to deal with it ingest been exhibitn since the early times when it was noniced. According to Zeisel, in that respect is picture that the federal courts of appeal have been urged to take movement on the administration of death sentences. Zeises notes that the death sentences in the federal courts, which he writes as a Florida experience, were administered dandy against the fatal pack (1981). In his writing, Zeisel states that two petitioners had provided evidence showing that the depressed offenders were being discriminated. The petitioners be, Maxwell V. Bishop who provided evidence to show that the black offenders were being discriminated against, and a petitioner in Spinkerllink v. Wainwright, who provided data showing that murderers of the black-and-blue populate were being discriminated against. This report by the peti tioner from Spinkerllink boded that there were high chances of murderers of the white to end up in death rows than murderers of the black masses Zeisel, 1981).This though never received any action as the courts be noted to have refused to obtain evidence of racial discrimination. Zeisel notes that the data available in the criminal justice system of Florida, prove that there have been such kinds of discrimination (1981). This is a case that was identified in the 1980s, but does it exist today? Has the system changed? Racial discrimination has been a major problem in most federal courts with most minorities, especially the black tribe, facing cruel judgments than the white people.Some reports indicate that more blacks are found behind bars than whites considering their number in the center Ameri scum bag population. The people are few in number, yet if the number of people in prison is compared to the white people in prison, they are almost half the whites total. This is the ai m of this paper. Analysis of data about arrests made in Florida will be done to determine if the minorities are arrested more and if still, there is racial discrimination.Data to be analyzed was obtained from the Florida department of Law enforcement, which was recorded in the year 2004 by UCR. Analysis Do nonage commit more crimes? According to the statistics on arrests by age and race in Florida, there are several villainys for which the white, Indians and the black people were arrested. Whites constituted a bigger group of people arrested with a total of 672,987, this is followed by the black people who were a total of 351,871. The total Indians arrested were 1,496 (Department of Law Enforcement, 2005).There are just about offenses that no Indian was arrested at all, for example bribery and embezzlement. Comparing this to the other groups, a total of 38 whites were arrested for bribery and 20 black people for the same offense. In the case of embezzlement, 363 blacks were arrest ed while 749 whites were arrested(Department of Law Enforcement, 2005. The offense categorized as miscellaneous had the highest number of offenders with 299, 442 white offenders, 159,378 black offenders and 1,034 Indian offenders. Drug arrest and dim-witted assault withal had high numbers of offenders.White people arrested for simple assault were 60, 018, while the black offenders in this case were 29,650, and the Indian offenders arrested for this case were 89. Drug arrests had these numbers whites 84,829, black people 65,167 and Indians 112 (Department of Law Enforcement, 2005. These are examples from the data obtained about arrests made in the year 2004 under various offenses. Generally, the minority, which in this case is the black people, committed more crime. This is because the number of black people in Florida compared to the total population is smooth.Re chase reports show that in the year 2000, the percentage of non white people was 17. 8. The total population of Florid a thusly was 15,982,824 (Schenker, 2008). From this data, it means that the non white people were only 2,844,943. This includes even the Indians. The population in the year 2007 is noted to be 18,680,367 indicating a reaping of 16. 9%. This means that on average, each year, there was an opine growth increase of 449,591 making an approximate of 177, 811,88 total population of Florida as at 2004.The rate of increase of the the non white population per year is approximated as 0. 31% (8,819) based on the situation that the total percentage increase of the total population by 2010 is 19. 8% (Schenker, 2008). This means that the total non white population based on the yearly increase was slightly 2,880,219 in 2004. If this population is compared with the approximated total population in 2004, then the number of non white people is small compared to white. This is proof that more blacks commit more crimes according to the data from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.An example is in medicate arrests. The number of white people arrested in this case is 84, 829. The total number of white people if approximated in the year 2004 was 14,900,969. From this the percentage of the white people arrested is 0. 569%. If this is compared to the number of black people arrested which is 65,167 on drug arrests, the percentage arrested to the nonwhite population is 2. 263%. This calculation is done using the total of non white people which includes Indians. If the number of Indians were excluded, then it means the total percentage would be higher.From this calculation, the number of black people arrested is higher by 1. 694%. How can this be judged? That these people commit more crimes? According to several sources, there have been so umpteen cases of discrimination against black people living in America. This could just be a proof to it. It is though just an assumption since the number of people arrested cannot prove that the people are being discriminated against, tho ugh is a strong indication. Domnitiz and Knowles noted after research that black people were found to be guilty in police practices more than the white people.The economists note that unbiased police practices as the police plans to do, can not prove that the guilt rates of motorists will be equalized among all races This implies that however much the police assay to show that they do not practice any racism in their policing, there is still experience by the public that there is racial discrimination in police practices. Domnitiz and Knowles indicated that motor vehicle search statistics show that the black motorists are singled out more that the white people (2006). The above case could accordingly be considered as racial discrimination.ConclusionFrom the above analysis, it is quite evident that there is racism. Just from the many sources that information is obtained, most of the cases are just indicating discrimination against the black people. In some sources though, black po licemen were also found to be discriminative (Jaynes and Williams, 2007). This though is not indicated in the discussion but is an indication that even the black can discriminate against the other races. It may be therefore that, discrimination is due to the fact that the black are a minority. It is not easy to conclude this way though as there are other races in Florida too. What then can be the reason?

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Mental Models and Mindsets Paper Essay Example for Free

Mental Models and Mindsets Paper EssayThis work OI 361 Week 4 Learning Team subsidization Mental Models and Mindsets Paper consists of the following parts1. Introduction2. Power and Limits of Models3. Testing the Relevance of the Models4. Overcoming Inhibitors5. Implementing the Model everyday Questions General General QuestionsWrite a 700- to 1,050-word paper based on the organization your team selected for your Benefits and Drivers Proposal. break and explain how the four steps to change the mental models and mindsets can help your selected organization.Does a schedule or a routine work best for your family? A schedule is a plan set by time, while a routine is something habitual. Routines are more flexible than what a schedule is. Find what pass on work best for your family and get started with it as soon as possible.

Monday, April 8, 2019

Goin’ Cholita Essay Essay Example for Free

Goin Cholita Es govern EssayGoin Gangsta, Choosin Cholita, by Nell Bernstein, is claiming identity and describing how the youth in certain part of the country ar choosing their preferred identity rather than accepting their own. For example, in Bernsteins essay a young woman named April, living in California, wants to be Mexican therefore, she dresses like and attempts to talk in the same accent as a true Mexican, even though she is Anglo. I agree with Bernstein that people argon influenced by what they captivate and hear. April portrays a perfect cholita, with her dark lipstick, even darker lip liner, and baggy pants, blue plaid Pendleton and her bangs pulled back peeved off her forehead. I also believe, like Bernstein, that people claim only part of their ethnicity to fit in. purge though April looks and acts like a Cholita she is of Anglo descent. The essay also specific entirelyy talks to the highest degree the state of California, where solely this identity changin g is happening due to the great diversity of race here.Bernstein claims that this is a positive smirch when youths choose an identity other than their own identity. Whatever makes them savor better or boosts their self-esteem is okay, I guess? However, they still have to face the facts they can non change their identity. I do not know what lexicon Bernstein is reading, but the definition of identity does not include the word appearance. Identity is who a person is, not who they appear to be. Nell Bernstein does a truly good job in describing the glamour, associated with race.It bump intoms, there is always a exceptional culture that more people want to be associated with and hang around. In the case of Goin Gangsta, Choosin Cholita Bernstein talks about how teens choose and define their identity, what claiming, an ethnic identity is, and what the concept of city is according to these teens. Bernstein explains that as time goes by the suburbs atomic number 18 becoming more d iverse, and people in the suburbs have become infatuated with the city life. The glamour of this may be media-generated.We come from a society that pushed for the concept of uncontaminating is right, for such a long time that now there atomic number 18 backlashes from other cultures, races, and minorities. Many great strives have been make by various ethnic groups. Accomplished actors and actresses of these ethnic cultures make most practically these strive for all to see because of the glamour and prestige that they hold in Hollywood. Actresses such as Jennifer Lopez, and Halle Berry are most often credited with moving ahead both women, and those of Latino and African descent.Men such as Denzel Washington and John Leguizamo are very well respected actors in the field as well. With the advantage of these role models, as well as the acceptance of diversity has become many Caucasic students are now being rejected. Many of the relatives and ancestors had to fight very hard for t heir rights and this may be why many younger generations want to be like them because they can identify with them and also because of how glamorous their lives seemed, and because of portrayal in the media.They claim these cultures to be accepted and more respected. Actually many generations of these cultures do press the importance of filial piety (respect for their elders), deep within their cultures as opposed to those of Caucasian families who viewed by other cultures, do not know their place. Because of the emphasis on heritage of the quickly populating cultures in their areas, many feel they do not belong. Because of this nuclear family as opposed to multi-generational, many cultures could clash.Glamorous is a life where everyone else belongs because of how he or she looks or what ancestor they have which entitles them to prestige, finally because of the long awaited freedom and hardships that they had to endure to get there. Embrace your family you are one of us if you are in any group of people. Look at movies like The Godfather. Italian-Americans convoluted with the Mafia worked hard for family to be open to provide for them, but were also caught up in close to bad stuff.Italians/ Italian-Americans who ran around shooting on behalf of who they were, as well as against those of the same culture that was at odds with them. It seemed like a very glamorous life even though those involved would say that it was far from it. Many cultures today or those who want to be involved in these cultures, adorn themselves with stereotypes and alone to be accepted, as Bernstein states, they are very young but may not understand the climb comprehension of all that was involved, it may be the influence of being tough, bad, and able to bounce back with a greater force that these teens look for. They are at a very young age and are still growing. The ability to take on these preset identities (stereotypes) may feel that it helps them induce out who they are because a dolescence is a very unsure time. The ability to fit-in such as school, friends, and communities also play a very critical role in the development of an adolescent. Many kids who are raised in the suburbs now a days feel as if they have to choose a crew to hang around. Even the white kids do not feel safe in their own streets unless they are hanging with the bad crew.Kids feel the need to choose what group they belong to based on the way they dress, what music they listen to, and whom they see as a role model figure. Kids should not be forced at such a young age to claim something they are not. Children should be proud of the race they originally are. With the growing number of races becoming more diverse in not only in the suburbs but around the world, it is weighty for parents to enforce the determine of nationality. The author made it very important to write this article in grade to show people the truth behind color.Although it may be easier for a child to join a group and f eel accepted, they should also know that they would not truly be accepted until they accept themselves. Cultures are becoming more and more diverse. Although culture is constantly changing, people should not change their personal values in order to feel accepted. In conclusion, I feel the media does play a role in stereotyping these cultures and making them seem more glamorous, but the actual families of those from the actual cultures (Latino, African, etc. ) stress the importance of filial piety.This respect for ancestors joined with expectations and role models in the media can make this seem more glamorous. Adolescents that are arduous to find out who they are in a very critical time in their lives often fall back onto this because identity already seems preset, and is easier to follow that finding out one for their self. Many Caucasian teens are being ridiculed because of what they are and history, so they often desperately pull from what they know to be able to fit in better a nd not be ridiculed as much, but more accepted.With cultures melting unitedly today and many marriages creating children of various backgrounds, it can be very confusing for children of these higher populated states to find out who they are. The glamorous look may come from the comradely that these cultures have for members within. It may be looked at as glamorous because of the popularity of its members or even how it is shown in the media, but it is most glamorous for those who are not of the decent because they finally have a place to belong among those who accept them because of it.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Effective Ways to Improve English Essay Example for Free

Effective Ways to Improve position analyse slope is main(prenominal) since it is a well kn receive language and has frequently been referred to as a populace language. Comfort with English is almost a prerequisite for success in the world today. Regardless of the indus purify, progress in English is an important factor in both hiring and promotion decisions.Being a student in College, English is the major language to communicate with our lecturers, wizs and strangers in college.Most of the subjects are written by English too. We must(prenominal) practice to speak English in college so that we stand communicate with other people with good English and even we can gain more marks when we are having a presentation and our oral examination test in college. First is what most people would advise read.You can read story books, newspapers, magazines, blogs, comics, English textbooks, instructions and ingredients on food packages, advertisements, etc. Read books whose subjects interest you, and try if possible to get round advice on whether the books you have chosen are written well. Beside that,Reading alone is not enough. I really do think that Malaysians have to develop the dictionary habit. I have observed how reluctant so many an(prenominal) Malaysians are to look up a word in a dictionary to find come forward its exact meaning or meanings. Be best friends with English dictionary. We can use Oxford, Collins, Cambridge, etc. This is much(prenominal) a pity, because never before have we had so many free dictionaries available, on the Internet. So occupy take advantage of that Some of them even pronounce the words for you if you click on the right icons.Next,Listen to English songs. Read the lyrics as you listen to the songs.Although just listening to a song in English can be a good trend of really study the words of the chorus in an soft memorable way, if you want to really get something out of listening to English music you will request to t ake some quantify to read the lyrics of the song with a dictionary. If the lyrics are not given in the CD booklet, you may be able to find them on the internet.if We listen and read at the same time or sing along to them, this can be a good way of understanding how sounds vary in fast, natural, informal speech. Other than listen to songs ,Watch English movies with subtitles also is a good way of learning English. Not only to have a fun time watching the movie, we would be learning new words at the same time and knowing how to pronounce them . Then try watching without them as you gain confidence.How slightly improving our writing? If we have no tutor or a friend to help us, One traditional way to throw off sure you deliver every day in English is to economise an English diary. whenever feel happy or upset or angry most something, try to write how our feel in diary.This is where we can write anything in it. But if you do write something you wouldnt want others to read, make sur e you hide it somewhere safe We can also write about neutral stuff like the places you went that day, what we ate, who we met, what we did, etc. on the other hand,we can Start a blog in English. This is also one way for us to practice our writing. Blog on something that we love. take down for people who dont have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they dont know what to write about. Besides blogging, try joining online forums, engage in online chatting and more.In addition,learn a new word a day. Keep your own vocabulary notebook and write a new word and its meaning in it every day. call down to it as often as possible so that the new words will stick in head.We can Improve our Vocabulary by Useing the dictionary to learn new words or an electronic dictionary if cant afford to turn the pagesso much or cope with the small handwriting. An electronic dictionary has synonyms and antonyms or a thesaurus included in it, so its a great deal. Not to boot it corrects your spellings if you enter the word whose meaning you dont know wrong.Never lose the interest to learn new words. Al ways exert up the practise.A lot of us have studied English in school and are slightly comfortable with reading and writing. However, we hesitate while speaking because we feel that we lack the fluency and may make grammatical mistakes. We are afraid of speaking English in formal situations and we are quick to trade to our native language once we are in the company of our family and friends.peak the language whenever you can. Speak it with friends and family. Dont be shy to try speaking the language. Dont be afraid that others will befool us. In fact, theyll admire us for our courage and confidence.In conclusion,these are the ten most effective ways to improve our English. If you have extra money to spend, you can even sign up for English courses, English camps and so on. Remember Dont get stressed out when it becomes a little difficult,most important piece of advice is Do something (anything). If you dont do anything, you wont get anywhere. Make it your hobby, not a chore, but supra all have fun

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Conditional Cash Transfer Essay Example for Free

Conditional gold Transfer EssayNew York Citys Center for Economic opportunity led the linked States in launching Opportunity New York City as an experimental and privately funded program to foster families in six of the citys highest-poverty communities break the cycle of intergenerational poverty (Riccio, 2010) . The ONYC study aimed to streamlet the mend of the cash transfers on the health of the family, education of the tiddlerren, and the outcomes of the adults workforce in the household. Also, this program was based on the pioneering conditional cash transfer program of Mexico named Oportunidades. In addition, the ONYC conditional cash transfer program greatly benefitted the lower- and middle-income countries. However, macrocosm the first comprehensive Conditional Cash Transfer Program in a developed country, the Family Rewards of the ONYC has been the master(prenominal) focus of other countries. The program is also coordinated by Seedco which is a private and nonpro fit intercessor organization along with six other community based organizations. It was evaluated by the MDRC, which helped in the designing of the green light by means of randomized control trial.Included in the program are financial rewards that are presumptuousness to participants who were able to meet the conditions set by the coordinators. Some of the conditions were meeting goal for the childrens attending in school, levels of achievements on the childrens standardized tests, maintaining of health insurance coverage and obtaining age-appropriate preventive medical and dental check-ups of the family, sustaining regular jobs and completing approved education or job training activities. The conditions of the program were focused on education, health-related, and work-related aspects of the community.The ONYC Family Rewards chose to test different values of rewards ranging from $20 to $600 to observe which incentives are applicable in the context of the fall in States. With its broad(a) range of activities, the program also taught the participants many ways to earn money and avoided the distribution of extremely epic amounts of money to any one activity or outcome. Few adjustments were made in the program to be able to make it simpler and cost-efficient. After a few old age of implementing the program, reports of findings from the evaluation of the first two years of the experimental program were released.In totality, the results stated that the Family Rewards substantially decreased poverty and material hardship and prepare different effects of health-related, education, and work-related outcomes. Riccio, James. (2010). Policybrief Sharing Lessons from the First Conditional Cash Transfer Program in the United States. Retrieved from http//www. npc. umich. edu/publications/policy_briefs/brief22/policybrief22. pdf Jamaica The conditional cash transfer (CCT) syllabus in the country of Jamaica was managed by the Ministry of Labour and Social protect ion and was named as Programme of Advancement Through Health and Education or way.Similar to other CCT programmes, the PATH has certain conditions that the participate families should conform with to be able to be benefitted by the cash transfers. The main prey of the PATH is to promote the development of the human capital of the members of the programme. The two important components of PATH are child assistance grants and social assistance grants. The former gives health and education benefits for poor but deserving students through age 17. The benefits include visitation to a health clinic once or twice per year and attendance in school.On the other hand, the social assistance grants give regular health benefits to poor adults and of age(p) citizens. The benefits include regular clinic visits for pregnant women, sick, and penniless elderly. The average monthly benefit of each individual participating in the program was about US$6. 50 that helps conceptualize what the programme aimed to accomplish (Levy, D. Ohls, J. , 2010). The candidates for the programme mustiness have detailed demographic and socio-economic information to be passed to the Ministry of Labour and Social Security or MLSS parish section to know if the households score is eligible to participate in the programme.The analysis of the implementation of the programme was based on site visits which were conducted in two rounds during the evaluation. During each visit, one-on-one interviews with MLSS parish offices, schools, healthcare centers, and post offices were through and the participants also provided detailed information about eligibility determination process, education and health requirement enforcement mechanisms, bene? adequacy, and the process of bene? t disbursement (Wedderburn et al. , 2004, 2005). Based on the results released, the MLSS was successful in implementing PATH and shareholders knew that the programme was able to accomplish its canonical goals. The results also sho wed that most of the participants had pleasing transactions with the program but many improvements can still be made.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Certain responsibilities Essay Example for Free

Certain responsibilities EssayIn sh onlyow, as in life, e preciseone has certain responsibilities. The Principal is responsible for overseeing the efficient running of the school. The teachers are responsible for seeing that school rules are obeyed, that their lesson plans are well written and lessons prepared. Teachers are also responsible for seeing that each of their students expose the material that is presented. Students are responsible for many things as well. All students are responsible for making confident(predicate) they are ready to learn. This includes having the necessary equipment to do the job of learning. Each student is responsible for having a all their school materials with them at all whiles. When a student shows up to class unprepared it makes learning very difficult. Unprepared students also make learning hard for people around them as they disturb others laborious to find a save or borrow a book.Students who come to class unprepared look out on impo rtant information. While they are looking for a book, or a pen or their readying knowledge is passing them by. Being unprepared is a sign of immaturity. Students who come to class without a pen are demonstrating that they are not ready and they are irresponsible. They rely on others to take care of their needs. This is dirty to others who have their own lives to take care of. If you dont want to be treated equivalent a child, you must begin taking responsibility for yourself. This starts with being a responsible student. Its time for you to step up and take care of your own responsibilities.

Reflection of Personal Art Therapy Experience as Facilitator

Reflection of Personal artistic creation Therapy Experience as FacilitatorBrett CartwrightDescriptionI arrest chosen to do my reflection on the Art Therapy Focusing model in which I facilitated a bear upon for my thickening, who for the purpose of confidentiality we will call Jemima. This session was conducted at the Phoenix Institute of Australia as a adjourn of the culture model presented by my lecturer within the Art Therapy Module. During the setting up (Malchiodi 1998) the space puzzle push through I went about finding an appropriate area and making sure there were sufficient items tributary of an Art Therapy session, such as pastels, make-up, and markers, as well as a cabinet in the recess filled with Art Therapy supplies, should Jemima wish to use fewthing dissimilar. Upon the completion of the setting up extremity, I quickly checkered in with myself to ensure I was capable of holding space for my client before walking into the hold area to greet Jemima, invit ing her to join me in the room. Once in the room I enquired about how she snarl regarding the comfort of the space and offered her the opportunity to rearrange it in any way she saw fit, also pointing out that there were many more art supplies in the corner cabinet. Jemima nodded and said Im actually quite happy with this making a bodily gesture toward the previously setup space. Now sitting, we began to rebuke about how her day was going so far and if there was anything specific she would like to focus on. Upon creating an conception for the session I suggested that we try an Art Therapy Focusing performance and proceeded to explain what would be involved. We began by draftsmanship her attention into her body, in search of a Felt Sense (Gendlin 1996) eventually finding an image that had an stimulated quality fitting to the intention we had set for the session. I then extended an invite to open her eye and bring the image to concretised form on the paper, inviting her to open up a dialogue with me about the regale if she saw fit at any time, which she ac fill inledged but declined. The rest of the session was quite unruffled and required little more than my presence, unconditional positive regard (Rogers 1980) and holding of the space to facilitate. Jemima indicated when she had finished her image, at which time I asked her to close her eyes again, inviting her to bring her awareness back to the room and slowly order of payment her out of the focusing process. At this point I asked her if she could share with me how the process was for her. I let Jemima know that the session was coming to a close, offering her the opportunity to express anything else that might have come up for her during the process, and we closed the session. I then invited Jemima to give reflection on my performance as a therapist, took some notes, and the entire process was complete.FeelingsI felt quite comfortable entering into this process as I am reasonably familiar and confid ent with the focusing process from both the Focuser and Companion perspectives. Also, I have worked with Jemima on a number of occasions and have developed a good meat of resonance with her, which makes for a productive and healthy therapeutic relationship. Having said that there were, and invariably are, a certain amount of nerves for me when stepping into the role of therapist, as I have recently discovered via an empty chair process that I have a dominant inner critic that has created really strong insecurities around professionalism. This was, however, match with intense feelings of excitement about acting out the entire process of a therapy session and the learning that comes from the experience. At the end of the session, as always, I found myself left with mixed feelings. I became highly hard put and critical about how I performed as the therapist, and some of the feedback I received from Jemima, again coupled with an gene of excitement about having made it through the process without any major hiccups on my end.EvaluationAt the time I felt things went reasonably well for both the client, and myself. It seemed that the client had really managed to embody the Art Therapy Focusing process. The Coming in process (Purton 2004) was smooth and seemed to flow quite well as we slowly drew Jemimas awareness toward her inner-world, searching for a Felt Sense that eventually matched that of a withstander (as referenced in the analysis section below). Throughout the creation of the artwork I made a few observations about certain things, such as the way Jemima smiled when the image of her guardian came to her the movements and motions of her strokes on the paper which were reflected as being helpful for meaning making by the client and the pressure she seemed to apply to different areas of the page. The end of this session felt a bit rigid and clunky upon reflection, as I always seem to have some amount of trouble tying things off without interrupting the cl ients process.AnalysisUpon analysis of the session and the feedback given by the client, it would seem that it was a productively therapeutic session that helped the client in clearing space (Gendlin 1996) and creating a safe space using an image of a protector as tools created by Judith Herman and described by Rappaport (1998), which the client can now refer to in in series(p) sessions to help return to that feeling of safety, if the client resonates strongly with that image. There was the possibility for a couple of intersubjective responses, as I had a couple of images with protective qualities come up for me when I was witnessing the clients process unfold, which I held back due to some nervousness around projection and interpretation as I did not want to influence the clients process in any way.ConclusionIn Conclusion, upon reflection of the content of the session from both my perspective and the feedback given, I realise that there is a direct of in congruity, and slight lac k of unconditional positive regard in not sharing my intersubjective responses with the client. Thus putting distance between myself and the client, and in turn creating a lack of attunement. As a final note, there is very little I would change about the process apart from exercising more congruence and working on developing better skills around closing the session.ReferencesMalchiodi, C.A. (1998). Setting up Drawing on Environment and Materials. The Art Therapy Sourcebook Art Making for Personal Growth, Insight, and Transformation. (p.79 102)Rappaport, L. (1998). Focusing And Art Therapy Tools for Working Through Post-Traumatic render Disorder. Focusing Folio, Vol. 17 (1), (p.2-3)Gendlin, E.T. (1996). Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy A Manual of the Experiential Method. New York Guildford Press. (p.57-58)Purton, C. (2004). Focusing as a Taught Procedure. Person-Centred Therapy The Focusing-Oriented Approach. United Kingdom Palgrave MacMillan. (p.90)Rogers. C. R. (1980). Character istics of the Person-Centred Approach. A Way of Being. Boston Houghton Mifflin. (p.115-116)