Monday, April 29, 2019

One ought to never do wrong Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

One ought to never do wrong - Essay ExampleSocrates argued that if a person does harm unintentionally and is willing to learn, then, he or she can be assisted by dint of education. However, if harm is accused by malice, then punishment should be inevitable.Socrates argues that anyone who acts unjust is a dishonor to himself. Socrates touches on the issue of avenging where he argues that returning evil in retaliation is non meaningful as it does not lead to any gains, rather, it leaves a more humiliated soul (Ahbel-Rappe and Kamtekar 15). This implies that one should be guided by morals of not harming or injuring anyone.Respecting ones beliefs is emphasized by Socrates. He insists that one must do what he or she thinks is right. The right thing must prevail regardless of what people think or desire. In a nutshell, Socrates advices that a morally upright person is not supposed to forsake his principles just because he has been

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