Sunday, April 14, 2019

Time Management Essay Example for Free

Time Management EssayThis compensate has been prepared with the purpose of analysing and evaluating my flow landmark usage, in order to assess my m anxiety skills. Time Management involves setting priorities and undertaking goal vigilance in order to as efficient and productive as possible. The aim of this report is to evaluate my current cadence worry skills and isolate areas in which I need to advance and overly to establish what theories and methods I must utilize in order to ensure that my condemnation is well managed. The objective of this report is to aright analyse my findings in order to make accurate conclusions and in turn determine recommendations as to how I can adopt better clock meter centering skills in order to achieve my goals and objectives. Prior to preparing this report, I was required to invest my life goals and objectives on a short and long term basis in different areas of my life. These being study, family, personal, work, social, resid ential area service, home duties and sleep. I was so required to prioritise my goals and objectives, estimate how I was handing my m and record a detai take sequence log over a unmatched week period.The most accurate method when recording time usage data was immediate documentation. I also used my current organisational tools as a resource to remind me how I had recently dog-tired my time and what I could expect from the coming week making estimations. subsequently comparing my estimated and veridical time usage figures (Refer to auxiliary 5), it became apparent that there was little difference in the midst of the two sets of figures. Although my results indicated that my estimates were more or less accurate, they give that I am consistently spending my time in ship canal that are by chance non holy person.In order to narrow the gap between my real time usage and holy person time usage I will need to spend more time studying, and less time socialisation and perfo rming home duties. In particular, study is a high priority for me and I must thusly make sure I undertake goal management and establish it as one of my priorities. 1 way I can close the gap, is by utilizing my current exchange time to perform my hebdomadally readings for university. I can also use the principles behind the Haynes theory on prime time and ? The batch Jar Theory in order to ensure I am using my time productively. and then will I be able to realistically work towards my long term goals and objectives. insane asylum This report has been prepared with the purpose of analyzing and evaluating my current time usage, in order to assess my time management skills. Time Management includes tools or techniques for planning and scheduling time, usually with the aim to increase the effectiveness and/or efficiency of personal and corporate time use. (Wikipedia 2007, para. 1). Time Management involves setting priorities and undertaking goal management in order to as efficient and productive as possible.Time Management is an essential cistron to success, as it discourages time wasting activities and procrastination which hinders productivity. Understanding the importance of Time Management enables individuals to take active agent steps towards better managing their time and governing the eventual outcome. (Mind Tools 2007, para. 2). Aims and objectives The aim of this report is to evaluate my current time management skills and isolate areas in which I need to improve. The purpose of this report is also to establish what theories and methods I must utilize in order to ensure that my time is well managed.As well as being an assessed task, this report is necessary in order to properly evaluate my current time usage. one time this evaluation has been made, decisions on strategies can be made in order to enable me to be more time efficient in the future. I am currently trying to divide my time between a number of different activities and areas of my life, h owever up until now I go for never stop to evaluate my efficiency. The objective of this report is to properly analyse my findings in order to make accurate conclusions.From these conclusions I will be able to determine recommendations as to how I can adopt better time management skills in order to achieve my long term goals and objectives. Scope This Time Management report has been written in keeping with Mohans recommended structure of a formal report (Mohan et al 2004, p348). It encompasses a summary, foot to time management, aims and objectives, the method of research, results, discussion and analysis, conclusion and recommendations. Although this report gives mention to a number of established time management theories, it does not go into any extensive detail.These boundaries have been set out by the lecturer in charge of assessing this report in order to keep its contents relatively brief. Although this report is order to Roslyn Hunter and Julie McLaren, I am the person wh o will be affected by its findings and who will have to take into consideration the proposed recommendations. Body of Report Method of Research Prior to preparing this report, I was required to identify my life goals and objectives on a short and long term basis. The time frames I worked with for the purpose of this exert were ?3 years (Refer to Appendix 2) and ? Semester 1 (Refer to Appendix 3) respectively. These goals and objectives were established, based on different areas of my life. These being study, family, personal, work, social, community service, home duties and sleep. I was then required to prioritise my goals and objectives according to what is most importance to me. After these were documented, I was then required to estimate how I was spending my time. Estimates were made as to the number of hours I pass in the different areas of my life (Refer to Appendix 1).After these estimates were made, I was then required to record a detailed time log over a one week period ( Refer to Appendix 4). During this time, I took my log wherever I went and recorded my time usage in half an hour intervals. This perform enabled me to compare my actual time usage with my estimated time usage. The most accurate method when recording time usage data was immediate documentation. Ensuring that I had my time log on me at all clock meant that I could fill in my time log frequently and consistently.If I were to have relied on my memory, I am certain that this alternate method would have resulted in inaccurate data being recorded. When estimating my time usage I took into consideration my current study load, commitments, quiescence patterns and general level of up keep. I also used my current organisational tools as a resource to remind me how I had recently washed-out my time and what I could expect from the coming week. Being an avid user of ? to do lists, diaries and planning calendars (Refer to Appendix 7), I had on hand a propagate of resources to serve up me in estimating my time usage.This method led me to make relatively accurate estimates on my actual time usage. Results After comparing my estimated and actual time usage figures (Refer to Appendix 5), it became apparent that there was little difference between the two sets of figures. (Refer to Appendix 6). After estimating that I would spend 35 hours studying, my actual time dog-tired was 34. 5 hours. I thought I would spend 7 hours with my family however my actual time spent was 10. 5 hours due to a family birthday. The actual amount of time I spent on ?personal activities ended up falling 2 hours of short of my estimated figure. I actually spent 17 hours in this area as opposed to 19 hours.As I assumed, I did not spend any time on ? work think activities. My actual number of hours spent interact fell 3 hours short of my estimated figure. I actually spent 12 hours in this area as opposed to 15 hours. I estimated that I would spent 2 hours doing community service with the Red Cross , however I actually did not find the time during this 7 day period to perform community service.The hours spent performing ? home duties equaled a total of 28. 5 hours, which exceeded the estimated figure of 25 hours. In addition the actual amount of time I spent sleeping was 65. 5 hours, which was only slightly greater than my estimated figure of 65 hours. Discussion and Analysis My ability to accurately estimate my time usage can be attributed to the fact that I consistently document my occasional movements, which has been useful when making estimates in this activity.Choosing not to undertake paid employment this semester has also meant that I am splitting my time across fewer areas, making it easier to predict how I will spend my time. Although my results indicated that my estimates were fairly accurate, they show that I am consistently spending my time in ways that are perhaps not ideal. My ideal amount of time (Refer to Appendix 6) spent studying is in fact 40 hours, whereas I am only currently achieving on average 35 hours. I estimated that I would spend 15 hours socialising based on my weekly patterns prior to the 7 day period I documented.Spending only 12 hours on this activity meant that I was closer to achieving my ideal time tolerance than usual. Although socialising is an enjoyable activity, it is affecting my ability to achieve my desired amount of study hours. Ideally, I would also like to cut down on my hours devoted to ? home duties, which happened to exceed both my estimated and ideal time allowance. Realistically, while I am still living in the suburbs, it is unlikely that I will be able to spend 23 hours performing ? home duties as I incur a lot of commuting time living in Glen Waverley.Conclusions Performing this time management exercise has identified that my ideal time usage and actual time usage are not on par. I step forward to be familiar with my time usage as my estimated time allowances and actual time allowances were very like however I am not spending my time in way that I ideal to achieving my goals and objectives. In order to narrow the gap between my actual time usage and ideal time usage I will need to spend more time studying, and less time socialising and performing home duties.I have identified that study is of ?high priority when I chose to dispense it an A (Refer to Appendix 3) and must therefore make sure I undertake goal management and establish it as one of my priorities. Once I narrow the gap and start achieving my short term objectives and goals, I can work towards my long term objectives and goals. Without achieving my ideal time allowance I am in no position to work Recommendations In order to close the gap between my actual time usage and ideal time usage I will need to consider ways in which I can prioritise and manage my goals.Haynes suggests establishing when a persons prime time for working is and then planning for the most primary(prenominal) and demanding tasks to be done duringt his time (Haynes, M 2001). This theory promotes efficiency and could assist me in making my study time more productive. I could also consider utilizing my current commuting time to do my university readings. This would mean I have more time to study and in turn, fewer hours would be written off to home duties. The Pickle Jar Theory uses the analogy of an empty location jar to think about how we use the fixed amount of time available to us for each one day.This theory could also be used when I plan my schedule and assist me to get important work done while still leaving time for socialising. (Mind Tools 2007, para. 2). I will continue to richly utilize my diary, to do lists and planning calendar (Refer to Appendix 7) as they have helped me successfully plan my time in the past. My next step now is put my recommendations into action in order to close the gap, improve my time management skills and achieve my short term goals and objectives. Only then will I be able to realistically work towards my long term goals and objectives.

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